Jana Mitten
Jana brings her expertise as a practitioner of Aromatic Medicine and holistic-oriented healthcare, taking account of the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle coaching.
She combines her experience as a leader and representative with the largest global, science-based, essential oil company and lifelong study of the Bible and Biblical wellness. This is all integrated into cutting-edge, scientific, evidence-based, modalities of care that are increasingly being used as effective, conventional treatment.
Holistic treatment plans can include options such as aromatherapy, H.E.A.R.T.S method of pain treatment, Aromatouch Technique, Symphony of the Cells protocols, prayer and meditation, fitness and nutrition plans, and GI Mapping.
Her years of experience as a wellness advocate emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and client in her personal consultations. Headache Center of Hope has a unique offering of integrative, complementary medicine practices to support health and healing, spirit, soul, and body.